Hi, I'm Dr. Sebrenna Whitlock, Founder of Say Your Name Inc.
I am a Women's Empowered Life Coach and ordained clergy. I specialize in a holistic approach that brings clarity, direction and positive support to my clients. I help clients live their best life by filling the gap between where they are now and where they want to be.
By identifying where growth is desired, setting goals and objectives, and holding accountability, clients will reach their highest goals and dreams. I'll work one-on-one with you to take action that will help you reach each milestone, one at a time. With an ultimate end goal of satisfaction and success.
Rev.Dr. Sebrenna R. Whitlock
Developing Your Full Potential
Are you going through a stage in your life where you feel lost, confused, or conflicted? Do you feel like you're disconnected from people around you, friends, coworkers, or even yourself? Are you feeling a lack of motivation or lack understanding of your true purpose? Do you yearn for a romantic partner or perfect job? Or do you just want to upgrade your life to the next level?
If you answered YES to any of the above questions, then you are ready to act.
We offer a FREE 30-Minute initial session plus the option to chose between a Per Session Fee or a Monthly Premium Plan
Click the Discover Call link below for plan and payment options.
​Coaching Session Areas
Dating and Relationship Coaching
Divorce Coaching
Fitness Coaching
Family Life Coaching
Health and Wellness Coaching
Spiritual Care & Counseling
Grief Counseling