I can remember so clearly the years that I was going through some of the most challenging times in my life ~ I had just left my abuser. I was struggling trying to fight through the Family Courts and Social Service systems to protect my children. My life seemed to be a constant climb up a cliff that, at any moment, I would no doubt fall off of, never to be found. Still, it was during these times that God sent one special woman to my life. A beautiful angel that would always tell me - Sebrenna, you are okay. She repeated these three simple words at what seem to be THE WORSE times possible. Times like when I struggled to keep it together while listening to my abuser assault my character in public. She would say, Sebrenna, you are okay. Or when I felt overwhelmed, I couldn't see how I would survive financially amid an egregious custody battle. She would say, Sebrenna, you are okay. Or when it seemed like all hope was gone when the very system that was supposed to protect my children sent them to live with our abuser. Again she would peacefully say to me, Sebrenna, you are okay. I never refuted these words; I just cried. My life was a living hell, and I felt EVERYTHING but okay.
Today, I can see the power of those three words spoken so quietly. She wanted me to look past my current circumstances. She never said I would BE okay. No, I was ALREADY just that. Using these words, she orchestrated a way to transport my mind into a future where things were genuinely okay in a life that GOD had prepared for me to receive before I entered my mother's womb. I didn't realize it back then, but I know now that she saved my life daily. Her words were my perpetual lifeline when I was drowning with sorrow, pain, and grief. She never missed an opportunity to toss that lifeline, and much of the time, I saw it as anything but that, not realizing that I was sinking fast in my thoughts of hopelessness and helplessness. She saved my life, and she never grew weary in this well-doing. She spoke three simple words at the most inopportune times to move me gently along life's' highway into my current state of peace, joy, and wisdom. So, beloved, I want to pass over to you what was freely given to me ~ A perpetual lifeline. An understanding that despite the abuse that you have endured ~ You Are OK. Regardless of what people say about your choice to stay ~ You Are OK. Despite your never-ending thoughts of shame and defeat ~ YOU ARE OK. I am telling you tonight... You will make it! You Are OK.
Say Your Name!