One of the tremendous traps we fall into is complaining and grumbling. If we are not doing it out loud, it seems to be an ever-present temptation in our minds. Complaining not only can become habitual, but it is not healthy as it leaves us feeling unhappy. Faultfinding or murmuring about yourself and even others is an attitude you do not want to nurture. Complaining can do nothing for us except to ruin a good day. Every day God allows us to wake up and participate in life is a day to be THANKFUL! Yes, here is an excellent place to begin.
Why Not Pray Instead?
Make a priority to worship and thank God for all the good things before you. There will always be something that may not go the way we think it ought to go. Situations will arise that may be contrary to the way you think and believe. Beloved, today I want to encourage you to make less room for temptation to complain and replace it with the attitude of gratefulness to GOD for any and everything you can recall that is good!
Pray Instead!
"Do all things without murmurings and disputes." (Phil 2:14) A grateful heart reminds us of how blessed we are and how awesome God is.
Please attempt to develop the strength and courage to exchange this big temptation for meditation. I tried it, and it works. When the complaining creeps in, and it will, why not trade it out for Prayer! God will accept those thoughts and replace them with His peace. He will even protect you from people who carry the cumbersome cloud around and cover you with the providence intended for you. When we follow God, his blessings will fall upon us and overtake the significant matters of this world that we face daily.
Pray Instead!
Let us allow the voice of the Lord to speak to our thoughts today and every moment forward.
Say Your Name!